body language presentation, gesticulation during public speaking, gesticulation during talk, gesticulation on the stage, gesticulation presentation, gesticulation public spekaing, gestures, how gesticulate, magda kern coach, magda kern fialkowska trainer, magda kern trainer, Presentation skills, public speaking coach, Public speaking coach basel, Public speaking coach bern, Public speaking coach luzern, Public speaking coach online, public speaking coach warsaw, Public speaking coach Zurich, public speaking coaching, Public speaking coaching basel, Public speaking coaching bern, Public speaking coaching luzern, Public speaking coaching online, Public speaking coaching Zurich, Public speaking individual training basel, Public speaking individual training bern, Public speaking individual training luzern, Public speaking individual training online, Public speaking individual training zurich, public speaking mentor, public speaking stress, public speaking trainer, Public speaking trainer basel, Public speaking trainer bern, Public speaking trainer luzern, Public speaking trainer online, Public speaking trainer Zurich, public speaking training, Public speaking training basel, Public speaking training bern, public speaking training in english, Public speaking training luzern, Public speaking training online, public speaking training Warsaw, Public speaking training zurich, public speaking wizard, Public speaking workshops basel, Public speaking workshops bern, Public speaking workshops luzern, Public speaking workshops online, Public speaking workshops Zurich, publicspeakingwizard,, what to do with your hands during the presentationApril 7, 2020
Hi. Welcome to my blog 馃檪 I鈥檓 a psychologist and public speaking trainer. In 2021 I was chosen as one of the top 11 public-speaking coaches worldwide 2021, according to the Coach Foundation ranking. I work as a TEDx coach and Head of Speakers at TEDxZurich. I also help, among others, lawyers, vocalists, actors, lecturers and business people in preparation for their speeches in front of hundreds of people in the audience, as well as in conducting small meetings or presentations. For many years I worked on controlling the stage fright that kept me awake at night. I was singing and dancing in a Cuban musical. I have always wondered how to manage the internal critic, not to worry about the opinion of others, and how to build a real sense of confidence on stage. Now I know the answer.
Recently, I have given countless interviews, which made me aware of the importance of confidence in front of the camera. Having been involved in music since the age of 10, I know how stressful it can be to present to a wider audience. By combining my business and music experience, I can guide you through the process of changing direction towards your dreams. Based on my vast stage experience, I have gained the ability to provide adequate tools and methods of coaching that will support your development.
58 articles published
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Stress physiology. Stress symptoms, stress response, and the stress of SRRS
How do I become a TEDx speaker?, How to become a ted speaker, how to become tedx speaker, magda kern coach, magda kern fialkowska trainer, magda kern trainer, mentor tedx, Presentation skills, public speaking coach, public speaking coach, Public speaking coach basel, Public speaking coach bern, Public speaking coach luzern, Public speaking coach online, public speaking coach warsaw, Public speaking coach Zurich, public speaking coaching, public speaking coaching, Public speaking coaching basel, Public speaking coaching bern, Public speaking coaching luzern, Public speaking coaching online, Public speaking coaching Zurich, public speaking fear, Public speaking individual training basel, Public speaking individual training bern, Public speaking individual training luzern, Public speaking individual training online, Public speaking individual training zurich, public speaking mentor, public speaking stress, public speaking trainer, Public speaking trainer basel, Public speaking trainer bern, Public speaking trainer luzern, Public speaking trainer online, Public speaking trainer Zurich, public speaking training, Public speaking training basel, Public speaking training bern, public speaking training in english, Public speaking training luzern, Public speaking training online, public speaking training Warsaw, Public speaking training zurich, public speaking wizard, Public speaking workshops basel, Public speaking workshops bern, Public speaking workshops luzern, Public speaking workshops online, Public speaking workshops Zurich, publicspeakingwizard,, tedx mentor, tedx speaker application, tedx speaker guide, tedx speaker nomination, tedx speaker rules, tedx team, tedx trainer, tedx trainer warsaw, tedxwarsaw, What to do to be a speaker of tedxMarch 30, 2020
How to become a TED speaker? What to do to be a speaker of TEDx?
Effects and consequences of stress, fear of public speaking, fear of public speaking what to do, glossophobia, glossophobia articles, glossophobia how to deal, glossophobia treatment, How does stress work?, how to deal with stress, how to handle stress, magda kern coach, magda kern fialkowska trainer, magda kern trainer, mentor tedx, methods of dealing with stress, methods of dealing with stress from public performances, mindfulness, mindfulness public speaking, Presentation skills, public speaking coach, public speaking coach, Public speaking coach basel, Public speaking coach bern, Public speaking coach luzern, Public speaking coach online, public speaking coach warsaw, Public speaking coach Zurich, public speaking coaching, public speaking coaching, Public speaking coaching basel, Public speaking coaching bern, Public speaking coaching luzern, Public speaking coaching online, Public speaking coaching Zurich, public speaking fear, Public speaking individual training basel, Public speaking individual training bern, Public speaking individual training luzern, Public speaking individual training online, Public speaking individual training zurich, public speaking mentor, public speaking stress, public speaking stress, public speaking trainer, Public speaking trainer basel, Public speaking trainer bern, Public speaking trainer luzern, Public speaking trainer online, Public speaking trainer Zurich, public speaking training, Public speaking training basel, Public speaking training bern, public speaking training in english, Public speaking training luzern, Public speaking training online, public speaking training Warsaw, Public speaking training zurich, public speaking wizard, Public speaking workshops bern, Public speaking workshops luzern, Public speaking workshops online, Public speaking workshops Zurich, publicspeakingwizard,, Stress in public speaking, tedx mentor, Why are we stressing, Why do we need stress, Why do we need stressMarch 24, 2020